All Davidi Development Tools

Are you also an Indie Developer? These tools should help. They are donationware so use and enjoy, but be sure to attribute my website.

Developers tools written by Davidi Development

Game thumbnail Particle Forge
Create a particle system sprite sheet with this handy utility program, animating properties such as Fresnel, Glow Color, altering vertices, rotation, and more.
Last updated: 2024-09-15; 3 month(s) ago

Game thumbnail Mindcramps Model Editor
Quickly forge Voxel maps/models and/or early-3D style maps using tilesets. Each model is made into seperate convex objects, which works better with modern physics systems than concave models do.
Last updated: 2024-05-07; 7 month(s) ago

Page last modified: April 28 2024 .